TBOC Scholarships

About C.E. New Member Orientation Scholarships VBS 2008 Members


The primary goal of the TBOC Scholarships Ministry is to provide scholarships to TBOC Community Church high school graduates, college students and college graduates so they can achieve their goal of obtaining degrees of higher education from the college or university of their choice.

TBOC Scholarships & "Rising Star Awards"

The TBOC Continuing Education Scholarships are awarded to TBOC high school students and college graduates.  The scholarships are designed to give special recognition to those who excel in academics and athletics.  The recipients of the awards must meet select criteria in order to be considered for the scholarship.  The following scholarships are available:

  • TBOC Blue Scholarship
  • TBOC Gold Scholarship
  • TBOC Athletic Scholarship
  • TBOC Academic Scholarship
  • TBOC HBCU (Historically Black Colleges & Universities) Scholarship
  • TBOC Presidential Scholarship
  • Dorsey Valedictorian-Salutatorian Scholarship
  • TBOC Continuing Education Scholarship

The TBOC Rising Star Awards are awards presented to the TBOC Youth for achievements/recognition received in various areas of academics, attendance, athletics and C.H.A.M.P.S. (Christians with Higher Aim Making Positive Strides) for the most current school year.  These awards are presented to youth in grades K-11.  Eligible recipients may apply for all awards that he/she meets.  The following awards are presented for the rising stars:

  • TBOC Rising Star Academic Award
  • TBOC Rising Star Attendance Award
  • TBOC Rising Star Athletic Award
  • TBOC C.H.A.M.P.S. Award

Meet the President

Scholarships - Cynthia Lewis

Scholarship Updates